Nepali Women's Expedition Heads to Kalapaththar to Mark International Women's Day

Published 2024 Mar 03 Sunday

Kathmandu: A group of Nepali women embarked on a journey to Kalapaththar with the aim of observing International Women's Day and raising global awareness about climate change-induced snow melting and its repercussions on local communities. Organized by Sath Sathai, an organization dedicated to climate change and women's empowerment, the expedition comprises 25 women from diverse sectors.

The team received a farewell at Tribhuvan International Airport from Patricia Fernandez-Pacheco, the representative of UN Women Nepal. The unique initiative seeks to highlight the severe consequences of climate change in the Sagarmatha region (Mount Everest) and the challenges faced by the mountain population.

Sath Sathai had previously announced its decision to observe this year's International Women's Day in Kalapathhar, Solukhumbu district. Women from various backgrounds are set to march to the region, engaging in interactions with local representatives and communities along the way.

On March 2, an interaction is scheduled with people's representatives and communities in Syangboche, focusing on "women empowerment for connecting government and the community for climate change," according to Prajeeta Karki, the president of the organization. The culmination of the journey will be on March 8 at Kalapaththar, where the gathering aims to draw national and international attention to the adverse impacts of climate change on communities, agriculture, and tourism.

This year's International Women's Day is themed "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress," reflecting the collective effort to address climate change and empower women for a sustainable future.
